
-The Epic Fantasy Series by
George R.R. Martin
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It's a place for discussion about our favorite epic fantasy, and more.

Recent Events

The Hedge Knight Comic

Roaring Studios is releasing George R.R Martin's
The Hedge Knight in graphic novella format. You can preview the art and even give your comments, as fans, to Roaring Studios.

A Game of Thrones
Collectible Card Game

Fantasy Flight Games has announced the soon to be released CCG for A Game of Thrones. At their extensive website you can view cards, learn game strategy and even get information on obtaining an 8 x 10 art work signed by George R. R. Martin. It's free with a 36 booster pack purchase through July 15.

George R.R. Martin has announced that the fourth book in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" Series will be A Feast for Crows. It will be set immediately following the action in A Storm of Swords. New POVs include Cersei and one Mr. Martin has not yet revealed.

  • Congratulations A Storm of Swords has won the Locus award for best fantasy novel of 2000 and has placed second, behind only Harry Potter IV, for the Hugo.

  • Arts and Letters

    Visit our new Gallery, Godshead Gap with art from Jason P (Jeordhi). You can enjoy both "The Hound", and "Damphair". Plus, new works are in the planning stages from this exciting young artist.

    More! Here is our latest addition, "Arya Stark" from Julie. We hope Julie sends us more art soon.
    When the snows fall
    and the white winds blow,
    the lone wolf dies,
    but the pack survives.
    - A Game of Thrones.


    Which ASOIAF Character
    Are You?

    Take the test!
  • Characters: A cast of thousands is entertaining, but can be daunting. Let our guide to the characters in the series help out.
  • Merchandise: Order T-Shirts, books and more....
  • The Big Screen: Though the series is far too complex for a brief movie, everyone loves to picture famous (and infamous) faces in the roles of those incredible ASOIAF characters !
  • Guest Book: You can sign or view the guest book.

  • Wolves by Dragonart

    ASOIAF ART! Enjoy the fantastic comptuer generated images:


    George R.R. Martin's magnificent novel Fevre Dream, which won widespread critical acclaim, has been re-released. With writing as fine as the ASOIAF series, it will help you get through the time between books. Order it from Amazon.co.uk

    This site is owned by LindaElane and Relic

    The A Song of Ice and Fire setting
    is Copyright © 1996-2002 George R.R. Martin.
    All rights reserved.