We would like to thank the following people for
all their help with our site:
- Of course, George R.R. Martin, for writing this wonderful series, for visiting this site, and for answering all our questions!
Nadia for her support, great ideas, and her criticism
Ran for sending Moira Peters' design, and for moderating the Ezboard messageboard.
Greyjoy for bringing chats back to the site for a time.
Jeff Martin for helping with the character descriptions.
Hannah Blackburn for supplying the first picture of A CLASH OF KINGS, English version
Zweble for correcting some info on the timeline.
Markus for correcting some information on this site.
Nadia (again) for suggesting the movie page, and finding some pictures to start it,
and Jeff Meeker for reminding me to put it up!
All of the people who contributed pics to the movie site...They are really great! Keep
sending them in!
- Min for being a great friend.
- Will, for correcting a broken link.
- A big thank you to Revanshe, who started this site. It took great courage to hand over your own site to three unknowns, here's hoping we never let you down Rev.
- Rania, for looking up the opening quote.
- Kevin Ma for helping out in photoshop.